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The Phantom's Reward Points: 450

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Why poor people are poor (read)
2 Added Argument What anime do you think is the best
1 Added Argument Greatest Super Villain?
9 Added Argument Objective Moral Values and Evolution
2 Added Argument Best zombie apocalypse weapons , melee and ranged .
1 Added Argument Hulk vs Superman. who wins?
1 Added Argument Does a God have to rule?
1 Added Argument That government is best which governs least.
5 Created Debate That government is best which governs least.
5 Added Argument Is atheism a religion?
1 Added Argument Are homosexuals ( in general) bad people?
3 Added Argument What is Your Efficiency? And Why?
1 Added Argument Whose posts are more pointless?
2 Added Argument SROM Joins the 10K Club!
1 Added Argument What should women wear less of...
3 Added Argument Why couldn't evolutionist beat Hovind's $250,000 offer?
1 Added Argument Freemansory
3 Added Argument Rock or hip hop?
1 Added Argument Which next gen console will you be getting?
1 Added Argument What is your favorite gaming console?
1 Added Argument Is Dana/Sitara Bigoted?
2 Added Argument Is this "prodigee" you keep talking about the same person as Rogue Rascal?
2 Added Argument Here is the truth
3 Added Argument Snappys 2013 - Category #24 MOST WELL KNOWN
-1 Downvoted Argument Are boys better than girls?
1 Added Argument nike vs adidas
1 Added Argument Do you like getting a haircut?
0 Added Argument Do you agree with this Gandhi quote? I do.
1 Added Argument Are you a devil worshiper if you listen to heavy/black/death metal?
2 High Rated Argument Who is smart?Girls VS Boys
1 Added Argument Best movie ever made
1 Added Argument What is the best Black Ops 2 Build
1 Added Argument Should employers be allowed to hire/deny based on criminal record?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you close the bathroom door if you are home alone?
3 Added Argument The Illuminati and the NWO - Do they exist
-1 Downvoted Argument DanaForYeshua: Christian?
-1 Downvoted Argument The Illuminati and the NWO - Do they exist
1 Added Argument The next gen! are you Playstation or Xbox
0 Added Argument Who looks better?
-1 Downvoted Argument What do you think of me?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should semi automatic weapons be banned?
2 Added Argument Do graphics matter in a videogame?
1 Added Argument Can girls play basketball with boys?
0 Added Argument Who is: The bigger troll and more rude to others?
-1 Downvoted Argument Are Women are better than Men?
1 Added Argument Ironman vs Magneto

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